So, I've had it on my mind and in my heart to dedicate a post to some amazing women in my life who have helped, inspired and encouraged me along my "beading way".
This being Thanksgiving here in Canada, I thought it appropriate to do so today!!
First of all thank you Mrs. K. You started this addiction of mine with a simple invitation to come and bead with you and your other beading friends. Thank you to your friend who taught me my first netting as well-I'm sorry that I do not remember your name! Mrs K, I loved those times of sitting and listening to your stories of world war two and your many other adventures. Without you I would never have started on this great adventure into beading that brings me so much joy each day. I am forever in your debt.
Christina of
Good Quill Hunting:
You helped me with so many little details as I was figuring out my way into selling. You are not only an amazing woman and good friend, but such a constant inspiration. Your generious spirit and constant praise and encouragement is a priceless treasure!

SandFibers: You are one of the most giving and gracious women I have ever "met". Your cheerful spirit in the midst of adversity is an inspiration, and your gracious and giving spirit brighten my days. You have kept at your passion until it bloomed into success which is such an inspiration to someone who is just starting off. Yet, you are so incredibly humble and ready to help anyone who needs it in big or little ways, including taking the time to tell me that you love one of my pieces (which is always a humbing thrill).

Time2cr8: You are always encouraging me in my work, giving out tips to those who need them, and infusing our team with energy and passion.
I feel like in you I have a kindred spirit. I can picture us over a cup of tea, talking of books we had red and life's adventures.
No matter what the topic, or if it's help or an opinion, you are there with a quick and helpful reply. You constanty encourage and praise my work, which always humbles and encourages me.

I feel like these words are not sufficiant or framed well enough, but I hope that my heart can be seen. I cannot tell each of you how much you are appreciated. You are all amazing ladies, and I hope to be as big of a blessing and encouragment to others as you have been to me! Thank you!