I'm a big fan of Time2cr8, both of the beautiful creations she puts out and the beautiful woman she is! She is always there for those of us who have not been beadweaving and/or selling our work for as long, encouraging others and just a bright spot in my days at least :).
I remember asking her a while back if she would ever write up any of her patterns. She told me that she'd like to one day. I remember feeling wistful.
She just started selling her amazing patterns (for personal use) and her is my first one!
It is my first try at two-drop peyote (come to think of it, it's only my second completed peyote bracelet and third peyote project of any kind), and being the perfectionist that I am, I can see the flaws, but know that I need more practice.
Thank you Mary Lou for sharing your beautiful work with us!!
If you would like to purchase this-or any number of other patterns-be sure to stop by her shop!!
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